Tuesday 19 April 2016


Journey of IPL,ISL international ODI ,T20s started by idea of a guy named Kerry Packer,forty years back . Parcker's failure in securing television rights of International matches for his channnel  after being denied by Australian Broadcasting Commission with poor financial rewards to cricketers for international  matches gradually culminated  into league of 'joke of cricket' ,'evolution of cricket','Parcker's circus','Begining of modern cricket' all in one named as World series cricket.                                            

After being thrwated by ACB in second half of 1976,Packer  with his smartness  was preparing for  something  unique, Packer secretly gathered all                                                           .    ingredients signing 35 superstars from world cricket        Pic: Kerry Packer with Clive Lloyd     and revealed his  recipy only at the eve of 
 official  announcement at May,1977. Main media was awestruck with this  named as 'World  series cricket'.With help of Two business men Packer first signed superstars like Tony Greig,  Ian Chapell,Ian Chapell,Imran Khan,  Clive Lloyd.Tony Greig with Ian Chapell    played cardinal role in bringing the bulk of   payers under the shade of the league.      Players from WestIndies,Australia,England,Pakistan ,South Africa with Richard Hadlee as the only hired .None from India was signed.Kiwi were.
After the announcement,Australian cricket Board banned all the players from any type of cricket for them.England Board first banned ,but the ban was legally withdrawn from after the verdict of the court.                                                   
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         PIC: West Indies xi playing 
                                                                                       against    Australian xi

First season of WSC,was heavily dominated by fast bowlers such as Deniss Lillee,Imran Khan,Miachel Holding,Andy Roberts.Slow     

bowlers were kind of ignored by Packer.No way batsman could feel safe with enough safety against devastating pace bowling coming in continual rotation that too on those pitches with uneven bounce.After David Hook jaw got broken by a bouncer from Andy Roberts Helmet came into display for the first time in cricket history.Denis Amiss first time came with a motor cycle helmet ,after that many batsman followed him. 

First season was quite calm in terms of success,but with second day night matches were introduced.And people t the end of the day, couldnt resist twenty two superstars with color kits under brightening the flood light light more.                                                                                                         
Packer was the man to pick up economically ill treated cricketers ,and gave them what they worth.Floodlit light ,color kits,white ball,
helmets,fielding circles  these additions certainly made the game more interesting.
well backed by money Packer easily made it bigger than not so rich ABC,and guess what?in 1979,ABC came  for negotiation.Packer got the TV right he wanted.

Whatever happened that time was because of his urge of going against the tide.If his league was packer's circus,means more color so entertainment was more.It was another option given to people they accepted it gladly.People should be offered everything as they deserve it.This way journey of IPL began thirty years back in Australia.









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